
U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Virtual Library OpenAthens Self-Registration Form

This OpenAthens account provides off-network access to the high-quality, evidence-based medical, nursing, and allied health information resources provided by Army Medical Command and the Defense Health Agency (DHA). It can also be used as a workaround to access library resources when experiencing problems with direct IP access while on the DHA network. Only those listed below are authorized to register.

Authorized users must register for OpenAthens with their health.mil or army.mil email address. Those with a .mil email outside of this scope (eg. socom.mil), please email the AMEDD Library for registration.

Please enter your details on the form below. Please note that all fields marked * must be completed otherwise you will be unable to submit your application.

Is your position permanent or temporary? If temporary enter the date your contract, placement, rotation or secondment will end.


Enter the date your contract, placement, rotation or secondment will end.

Should you have any problems using the service or registering please contact your OpenAthens administrator using the contact details below.

Library Service Email Phone
AMEDD Virtual Library (AVL) usarmy.jbsa.medcom.mbx.amedd-v-library@health.mil
Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) usarmy.jbsa.medcom-bamc.mbx.medlib@health.mil 210-916-1119
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center usarmy.landstuhl.medcom-rhc-e.mbx.lrmc-medical-library@mail.mil 011-49-6371-946-47146 or DSN: 314-590-7146
Madigan Army Medical Center usarmy.jblm.medcom-mamc.mbx.medlib@health.mil
Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) usarmy.tripler.medcom-tamc.list.he-medlib@health.mil
William Beaumont Army Medical Center usarmy.bliss.medcom-wbamc.other.library@health.mil

The CAPTCHA may not work while on the DHA network. If the CAPTCHA does not work, please register for your Athens account using the form found on this URL.

For information on how your data is used and stored, please view the OpenAthens Privacy Policy.