
Register for a Cabrini OpenAthens account

Registering for an OpenAthens account will give you access to electronic resources provided by Cabrini Library to support information, research and evidence-based practice needs.

Resources can be accessed from any device with an internet browser, anytime.

Before you complete the Cabrini Self-Registration form, please read the following information:

Registration is allowed to the following groups:

  1. An Employee of Cabrini
  2. Cabrini Staff Doctor
  3. Accredited Cabrini Doctor

Students are not permitted to register for a Cabrini OpenAthens account.

Students based at Cabrini are encouraged to use the electronic resources available to them through their affiliated universities.

All sections below marked with an asterisk (*) require an answer.

Please select the role that best describes what you do


Cabrini staff must use their work email address (@cabrini.com.au)
Cabrini staff and accredited doctors must use their preferred work/home email address*

* Accredited Cabrini doctors with current registered OpenAthens accounts at other health organisations must use a different email address

Should you have any problems using this service or registering please contact your OpenAthens administrator Cabrini Health Library on +61 3 95083430 or library@cabrini.com.au

For information on how your data is used and stored, please view the OpenAthens Privacy Policy.