Apply for an IU Health Medical Library OpenAthens account

The IU Health Medical Library manages off campus access to the library’s online resources through a login tool called OpenAthens. To get the most out of the library's online resources, register for your free account. Setting up an account is quick and easy.

Your OpenAthens account provides secure access to online research materials via a single username and password. Importantly, this is the only way you can access the service when you are offsite.

Before you complete the form, please read the following information:
  1. To register, you must be a health professional employed in the IU Health System. This includes hospitals, health services, mental health services and community health centers.
  2. Physicians must be on an "active list" from the Medical Staff Offices.
  3. You must register onsite from an IU Health computer.
  4. You must supply a valid email address to activate your account. Please use your hospital or health network-based e-mail address whenever possible e.g.
  5. Students who are NOT part of the IU Health Allied Health programs cannot register for an account.
  6. All sections below marked with an asterisk (*) require an answer.


Should you have any problems using this service or registering please contact your OpenAthens administrator

For information on how your data is used and stored, please view the OpenAthens Privacy Policy.